Karver KSW40 Speed Winch
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- 6 TIMES FASTER line speed
- Available in 3 sizes (40, 46, 52)
- Sized to retrofit most standard winches
- Easy to install and maintain
- 5 year warranty
The Grinder’s additional gears provide the ability to winch in much more quickly than conventional winches. When in first gear a single turn on the winch handle brings in 6 times the amount of line compared to a normal two speed winch. Changing gear is simple. When too much pressure builds up on the winch handle, just reverse the direction and the next gear is engaged. Once the line pressure is off, the winch reverts to the most suitable gearing for the next time you winch. It’s fast and very effective.
The Grinder is so fast that it transforms how the boat is sailed. Manoevres are made simpler, safer and less likely to fail A tack can be perfor- med without someone tailing the sheet, the spinnaker can be gybed with the sheet in the self-tailer and furling headsails can be recovered at much greater speed ! When sailing shorthanded the advantages are even more obvious. It’s better, more efficient and a lot faster. Just a few turns of the winch handle and the job’s done. For solo and double handed sailing it’s superb.
With a conventional winch, one person releases the leeward sheet as the boat tacks and another loads the new working sheet onto the winch, pulls in by hand as far as possible, and holds the tension.
The grinder then takes over the sheet (which is under considerable pressure) secures it in the self tailer, inserts the handle into the winch, and finally grinds the sail in to the optimum tension.
With conventional two speed winches, tacking can quickly enter “emergency mode”as there are so many opportunities for errors and accident. The beauty of the Grinder is that it allow you to set up for a tack with the lazy sheet ready in the selftailer and the winch handle already engaged. There is no longer the awkward transition from hand-pulling to grinding, and the four gears enable the grinder to complete the tack and be back up on the rail very quickly.
The passage of the foresail is much more fluid than with a conventional 2 speed winch. The whole operation is perfectly smooth and the sail doesn’t flap or snag as much. There is one person fewer in the cockpit, so one more on the rail, providing greater drive out of the tack. In addition the synchronization between the helmsman and the grinder is hugely simplified.
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