Spinlock Rig-Sense 5-8mm
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Rig-Sense is a new rig tension device for measuring the loads in wire or rope on dinghies and small keelboats. Rig-Sense is simple to use, measuring the tension directly in kilogrammes. Rig-Sense also benefits from being able to be operated one handed, supporting itself on the rig whilst being used. Quality parts ensure long term performance, consistent and accurate readings over time.
Loads on both wire and fibres
Diameter range 5-8mm (13/64 - xx”)
Direct Scale with tension output
Composite calibrated leaf spring
Stainless steel contact points
Ergonomic, robust body
Compact size, durable and light
Easy one handed operation
Carry bag included
Works in conjunction with the Rig-Sense App
Rig-Sense | Instructions
Rig-Sense | Brochure pages
Rig-Sense | App Instructions
Rig-Sense | Information document
Appen finns att ladda ner i Appstore för IOS och i Google Play för Android
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